About the Achievement and Unit Standard Tasks
Complete workbooks. Editable in Microsoft. (Upload to your Google Drive if you prefer.)
Clear, logically sequenced instructions.
Hyperlinks for document navigation and to external sites.
Scaffolding tools to encourage success.
Unpacked Achievement Criteria.
Checkpoints for time-management
Cover sheets included in Unit Standard task booklets.
Buy one, then print or share as many as you like (within your school). Happy days!
Reasonably priced. (Because I know teachers often spend their OWN money on resources!)
About Us!
We are Sue and Jo, and we have over 40 years of English teaching experience between us. With experience in mentoring teachers, management, and developing and delivering professional learning, as well as ESL and SEND, we are creating the resources teachers really need. We love creating and we love helping teachers!
We are realistic about, and appreciative of:
What teachers can afford - we know that many of you spend your own money on resources.
The need to edit resources - what's the point if you can't tweak something to suit your needs and learners?! Sheesh!
Teachers being able to share resources with their colleagues - you will regardless of copyright (we would - like I said, we're keeping it real), so go for it! We ask that you share only with others in the department you were in at the time of purchase - not with the school down the road or the next one you move to. That's a pretty good deal we reckon, so please play fair.
What are we into? Most things, but we're especially interested in:
Literacy skills - reading and writing
Close reading skills
Scaffolding students so they can all achieve.
Using mātauranga Māori to explore texts
Our name:
Drive Resources simply relates to resources that you'll save and share with your students (and colleagues - lol) via your 'Drive' - Microsoft OneDrive or Google Drive. And with that in mind, for goodness' sake, do NOT save your resources on your laptop, save them in your 'Drive'!
Feel free to contact us with feedback or if you need a hand with something.
All the best - ngā mihi,
Sue and Jo

Link to a Few of My Old Teaching Resources
Free - Google Drive Folders
I've dumped a few things in a Google folder straight from my school folders - bits and bobs you are welcome to wade through. They're not pretty, not organised, some are even incomplete, and they do include bits I've scrounged from elsewhere ... so good luck!